Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Forty-Second

I am inspired by this post today, because I had a similar experience with A this afternoon. It is a bit embarrassing to put this into words, but this blog more or less strictly exists to jog my own memory anyway.

A and I have very, very little in common. We have different habits, different personalities, different interests, different backgrounds, different goals for the future, etc. Were we not soulmates4evah!!!!, we would definitely not be friends. (Obviously, the most important things work, else we would not.)

My sense of humor is all quips and wordplay. A can be very witty and appreciates non sequitors, but nothing has ever floored him like the first time he heard me fart.

(Let us imagine that, shall we? You are a nice girl with a nice, new boyfriend of several months. You're both in the living room doing separate things, when something escapes you rather loudly, and you're a bit pink. You assume your embarrassed "excuse me" and perhaps a grin from him will be it. Instead, your heretofore very adult and somewhat staid boyfriend EXPLODES with laughter, hysterically flailing around in his computer chair for several minutes until he can no longer breathe.)

And some things make him laugh that I just don't even get, let alone find funny.

But, he is the only person in the world who is silly exactly the way that I am.

This is our big connection.

We often, often have conversations that consist entirely of sounds. It's a constantly evolving language, too. He used to echo me if I was whining to much, by saying, "muhnuhmanuhmanuhma" back at me in a sympathetic sing-song with an exaggerated pout on his face. I've adopted the "muhnuhma"s, but I say them in a very affectionate way while invading as much of his personal space as possible so that he can no longer do whatever activity he's doing.


I can't remember anymore the exact play of today's events, but he's developed a response to my "muhnuhma"s that's "rar rar rar" with his face screwed up in a crotchety old man kind of way. And we were being ridiculous this morning, and there was a cute exchange where I did two random things that he realized were connected in a funny way and laughed and then responded with a "rar rar rar" to continue the connection, which is when I saw the joke, and we both laughed.

And then we hugged each other laughing because we are very happy together.

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