Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Twentieth: Fitness Update Update


Rather unexpectedly, after I blogged yesterday I actually went out and made up the previous day's foregone run! It was the second time I had to alternate running quickly and jogging slowly/walking, and I was not. excited.

I seem to only have a "slow" setting. If I try to push it (because the training directions insist), I am overcome with pain and exhaustion and crippling side stitches and start thinking fondly of the sweet release of death, and yet I don't actually go any faster. And when I tried the alternating thing for the first time last week, it was my least successful attempt to run fast since the beginning of time. (Including every time I ever ran the mile in middle school under the watchful eye of my evil gym teacher Mr. Martin and his cat-o-nines*.)

But, oddly, yesterday was totally not that hard. I had a waffling stitch for most of the workout, so I just slowed down whenever it got stronger and sped up when it faded, but besides that I was running relatively quickly all the time that I was supposed to! As opposed to barely making it a few minutes at a quicker pace before wanting to collapse, coughing all over myself, and lurching through the rest of of the workout at the slowest pace possible.

AND when I finished yesterday, I wasn't dizzy or gasping. And today I'm not that sore! Go figure.

Of course, today it poured, so now I have foregone today's run...


*My emotionally scarred subconscious may or may not have added this detail.

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