Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Twenty-Sixth

I don't think that I've mentioned yet on this blog that I like baking. I've been doing it on beautiful sunny days in my mother's gorgeous kitchen when everyone was out since grade school. But you have no idea.

I had a roommate in Italy who was allergic to most things, including wheat and dairy, but she didn't miss them and happily ate raw cabbage and carrots with soy sauce at most meals. Yet when we went on day trips to various picturesque Italian cities, she'd expend at least half her memory card taking photos of the rows and rows and rows of gorgeous baked goods at the pasticcerie. I'm just like that, except I also loooooooooooooooooooooove to eat them. (Nevermind that I don't anymore.)

Baking is my meditation and Martha Stewart is my porn. Discovering this fancy cupcake paper thing absolutely made my day awhile back.

Just how crazy beautiful is that? It was my desktop background for weeks, and it inspired a flurry of wedding dessert buffet brainstorming, largely centered around the use of said fancy cupcake paper things. I also just lost a lot of time poring over new cake recipes and designs on my way to finding that picture again just now. I am definitely going to have to try this

and this:

But the POINT of this whole post is that you can only imagine my explosion of ecstasy when today I saw this:

Sorry A, but I am going to marry this cake and, as E used to say in high school, have like a million of its babies.

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