Thursday, March 12, 2009

The First

Well, hello. Welcome, welcome.

I've just been reading NieNie Dialogues, which is so idyllic and wonderful that I am totally inspired. It seems that she (Nie Nie) has that effect on everyone, but now I am just brimming with desire to do craft projects and cook and decorate and have adventures and spontaneous, random, joyful moments.

I'm sure I could better follow her example by getting up and doing something, but instead I started this blog.

Today, I am sick abed, as I have been for the last three days. Since I missed classes yesterday and the day before and it was such a BIG. DEAL., I have felt honor-bound to stay in bed and get better, even though I am practically salivating over the thought of taking a run. Also, C threatened to beat me over the head if I tried.

I'm sure a run won't feel as nice as I'm imagining (even though the weather is perfect--all crisp and gray, and I haven't moved for THREE DAYS), and there will be students/townspeople/workman gaping at me, and I'll get a horrible coughing fit and need to stop early, and it will all hurt, and then I'll feel totally disheartened about how much conditioning I've already lost, but still...

look at this!

That's my view when I run! (Well, in one direction anyway--the track has buildings on the other side.) Can you imagine that glory while feeling all accomplished and athletic with your blood pumping under your wind-chilled skin?

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