Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Fourteenth: Fitness Update

I just woke up. I feel as if someone beat me up and poured me into my bed. My legs are tired, yo.

I wish the magical breakfast fairy would transport something directly into my stomach so it would stop complaining about my (extremely necessary) staying in bed.

I'm on schedule with my running if I go again tonight, and I'm doing fine food-wise, except ...still no veggies (and there was this one bag of chips...). I appear to be exceptionally bad at buying veggies in China.

Although, I guess if that is my biggest failing in the long run, that's not too bad at all.



Look! There really is a magical breakfast fairy!
Look! There really is a magical breakfast fairy!



I'd like a bagel, please. With PLENTY of cream cheese and maybe some of that bacon. And a glass of real honest-to-goodness nonfat American milk.


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