Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Third

I woke up today at 11:52am, after PASSING out at 11something pm last night. Just before I woke up, I had a dream that my mind was somehow transplanted into a gorgeous, lanky (emphasis on lanky) blonde woman in the 1970's. When in that body I went to my apartment (in the 1970's, of course), my neighbor, whose body I'd previously envied, gaped at me and even walked out the front door of her apartment to stare at my golden glory further.

Now, I have never been to the 1970's, nor do I have a hard-bodied female neighbor, but I am a tall blonde who used to be lanky. At the end of that dream, I was conspiring to how I might keep that beautiful girl's body (my brilliant plots included some key spells from Charmed and the Polyjuice Potion) , and now that I am awake and unable to do magic (boo), I'm inspired to finally figure out and start that diet I've been avoiding.

So after my daily call to A (for which I'm already 20 minutes late), I'm going to figure out what/how I can eat and begin. But...but...finding decent/healthy/filling/varied food in China is SUCH a hassle, and now I'm going to restrict it!


Amazing how being skinny is worth it.

P.S. To all the villagers with pitchforks, let me clarify: Worth it to me. If you are not skinny and don't want to be, by all means, that is totally wonderful. Having a body that makes you happy (provided that you are still healthy) is what's worth it.

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