Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Seventh

Dear Richmoor,

I love your granola with raspberries and milk. After reading such marvelous reviews of it online, I took a chance and allotted it some of the limited space in my boyfriend's luggage when he came to visit me in China. And I was not at all disappointed. Your granola has so many of the flavors China lacks (whole grains, berries, and American-style milk), along with being lovely and easy and light and fresh and very portable. The first bite was so perfect and in one little spoonful so encompassed everything I'd been missing that I confess it was the only thing that made me feel better after my boyfriend left.

So when I returned to China at the beginning of February, I made sure to stop off at REI and get several (seven) bags of your marvelous granola before I left. My suitcases were massively overweight because of all the food I was carrying (in addition to the granola), and it was a humongous hassle to convince the airlines to check it all without charging me, and then it was a hugely difficult trek across town dragging those heavy suitcases over uneven walkways all the way home to my Chinese apartment.

But, obviously, all that effort was totally worth it to have food that makes SUCH a difference on dark days in China.

So imagine my great sadness after all that to discover at various points in the last 6 weeks that not one but TWO of my few precious bags of life-saving granola contained granola and milk powder, but NO RASPBERRIES.

Sure, maybe two out of three isn't bad, I still got my grains and milk, but it just isn't the same without the raspberries. Because they're freeze-dried and not normal-dried (or whatever), the texture, shape, appearance are almost exactly like a fresh raspberry, and the beautifully preserved flavor brings that tartness to balance the sweetness in the granola. Without the magic of the raspberries, it's just beige sugar sludge! They have that here!

I can only assume that other customers of yours have made similar discoveries in similarly inconvenient locations (on top of mountains, in the middle of the woods) and have also been deeply, deeply saddened.

Richmoor, the raspberries are so key. Please do better.

Thank you,


P.S. The ziploc seal inside the granola bag doesn't stay closed. While it is not a problem for me, because I'm incapable of not eating the whole bag at once, I'm sure it matters to somebody.

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