Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Second

My Cast of Characters, Alphabetically:

A - boyfriend (perfect, overly frequent topic of my conversation)
Am - sister (tall, accomplished, awesome)
C - sitemate, friend (Southern, frequent voice of reason)
D - father (wielder of giant vocabulary, loving pesterer of all of us)
E - best friend from high school (soooo smart, polar opposite mindset from mine)
Em - sister (short, charming, the familial superglue)
L - best friend (crazy)
M - mother (tall, retired, BUSY, living it up)

Oh, and

I - me (eternally hopeful, but easily distracted = too many grand undertakings, not enough finishing)



Photograph/Send off pen pal letters
Get cash --> buy food and soap (dish soap, bar soap, and laundry detergent)
Plan week, month, year
Respond to text just received (my phone's an inefficient pain, so I always put this off)

I'm sure there's more.

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