Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Eleventh

One of the teachers in my office talks loudly to herself all the time. When I mentioned this to a few friends, ALL of them told me that they also talked to themselves and didn't see that what she was doing was at all notable.

A few of the other teachers in my office talk to themselves occasionally too. The language barrier does prevent me from knowing the content of these little chats, but they seem to usually be one of those quick mumbles all, "okaaaay, so I need this one, and that--and where is...okay, here, good". By tone, demeanor, and rhythm, I can tell when the other teachers are doing that.

But this one teacher. She is delivering full-blown emotional and LOUD monologues about goodness knows what. Words are absolutely pouring forth from her with no reservation whatsoever. Even if I were inclined to do that, I don't think I even have enough thoughts in my head to produce such a steady stream of dialogue.

And she does this almost every single time I'm in the office with no mention or indication or apologetic eye roll or sheepish grin or ANY expression at all that she's aware of what she's doing or that perhaps it's unusual.

But it is pretty weird...right?

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